Gallert, PeterVan der Velden, Maja2013-09-202013-09-202013 text is an unedited and preliminary version of a book chapter which will be published early 2014 in the Indigenous Knowledge Technology Conference (IKTC) 2011 post{conference book edited by Dr N. Bidwell and Dr H. Winschiers{Theophilus. Under the theme of \Embracing Indigenous Knowledge in a New Technology Design Paradigm", the book intends to present perspectives on a more re ective technology design to support, serve and preserve the use of Indigenous Knowledge. Thus many of the concepts and ideas introduced in this text will be expanded and reflected upon in the upcoming chapter. I therefore invite for a lively debate around the issues.enIndigenous knowledgeWikipediaReliable sources for indigenous knowledge: Dissecting Wikipedia's Catch-22.Book chapter