Sibanga, Sebastian Sinvula2020-11-202020-11-202019-10Sibanga, S. S. ( 2019). Investigating Ubuntu in selected plays by David Ndjavera [Master's thesis, Namibia University of Science and Technology]. PRESENTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ENGLISH AND APPLIED LINGUISTICS AT THE NAMIBIA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYThis study investigated the concept of Ubuntu as portrayed in David Ndjavera’s selected plays ‘The Evil That People Do’, ‘I’ll Marry Who I Want’ and ‘Burning Issues…’. Through theatre, Ndjavera not only dramatises and raises awareness of issues that relate to violation or recognition of Ubuntu, but he also personifies literal work so that it relates vividly with the scholars at different academic levels. The concept of Ubuntu is about the African art of being a true human being through other true human beings. In view of the preceding, the concept of Ubuntu is substitution to utilitarian and individualistic philosophies that tend to dominate in the West. Relevant literature was consulted for the literature review and aspects pertaining to the definition of Ubuntu, assumptions and implications of Ubuntu as well as challenges and criticism of Ubuntu formed part of the literature review amongst other critical issues. The study adopted a qualitative research approach as it was a desktop type of research. Data were collected through intense reading of Ndjavera’s selected plays and analysed under the guidance of the reviewed literature as well as the framing of the Ubuntu Philosophy. Nevertheless, the philosophy of Ubuntu appears not to explicitly belong to anyone in particular but believed to be a traditional African ode or humanist and social value that advances a perception of ourselves in relation with the world, focusing on people’s commitments and contacts with one another. The values embraced in Ubuntu emphasize sharing, reciprocity, caring, and empathy, co-operation and compassion in recognition that for human beings to develop, flourish and reach their full potential, they need to conduct their relationships in a manner that promotes the well-being of others. It appears, the advancement of Ubuntu is visible in the selected plays as Ndjavera wrote the plays maybe with the intention to teach society on the importance of Ubuntu if ever society chooses to live peacefully and harmoniously. Also, with the advancement of Ubuntu in the three plays ‘The Evil That People Do’; ‘I’ll Marry Who I Want’; and ‘Burning Issues…’ it is shown that once the Ubuntu philosophy is followed, it automatically calls for a collaborative effort where everyone has to take part as well as being sensitive and considerate about the next person and the society at large. The study concluded that the Ubuntu philosophy could be the ideal view point to adopt, whether in Namibia or beyond its borders, as it allows peace and harmony to prevail amongst people in any society. As one of its recommendations, the study suggests that for future studies, one may consider analysing the other three plays from the anthology in which the selected plays were extracted or may consider analysing all six in the collection at once.enMaster's thesis NamibiaUbuntuselected playsInvestigating Ubuntu in selected plays by David NdjaveraThesis