Mapani, Benjamin2024-10-082024-10-082020-02Mapani, B. S. (2020). Professorial inaugural lecture: Zircon-a mineral that has revolutionised the concept of time and opened vistas of economic import-the Story of my research journey [PowerPoint Slides]. Namibia University of Science and Technology. lectureProfessorial inaugural lecture: Zircon-a mineral that has revolutionised the concept of time and opened vistas of economic import-the Story of my research journeyenPlate TectonicsZircon Geochronologyage datingMineral depositsWater contamination studiesradiometric forensicsDamaraGariep and Kaoko Belts of NamibiaProfessorial inaugural lecture: Zircon-a mineral that has revolutionised the concept of time and opened vistas of economic import-the Story of my research journeyPresentation